23 October 2006

more AC

I will be the first to admit, I think I'm developing a blogging problem. I have never known myself to go on and on about stuff the way I am, but once I get started I'm having a hard time stopping. Case in point, friday night I spent about 16 hours on the road and in atlantic city. Several firsts for me - first time I actually went to jersey, and didn't just pass through as quickly as possible, first time in Atlantic City, first time in a casino, first time seeing a burlesque show. Then again, I didn't know they actually did burlesque shows anymore, but what the heck.

Anyway, new topic slightly related to that is my damn cell phone. The camera is crap. I took like 20 pics friday night, all the pretty ladies (after the show, when they were dressed and posing for pics), and after I got home and sobered up I realized I had the camera set to "tiny" and so the pictures are all the size of a shot glass and, because the camera just sucks, too grainy to see anything.

Case in point:

There's the giant named Bill with the japanese trio (think the 5, 6, 7, 8's from Kill Bill, Vol. 1 meets Yoko Ono. They were great. And short. And there was bill, with a pair of underoo-looking briefs they had all signed, and my picture sucks. There are more crappy pictures in my Picasa album if anyone cares. But never fear - I have fixed the camera, and next time it is called upon the pictures will be big enough to see.

And now I'm going to watch some tv.



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