23 October 2006

We've got the loosest slots in town!

So i mentioned in passing that slot machines are depressing, and i want to explain why. When you first walk into the casino, all you can see are slot machines. Rows and rows of bright blinky hypnotic lights. Then you see people milling around, some playing, some going or coming from playing, and the employees walking around, and it's all very exciting.

But then, you look a little bit closer... none of the people I saw playing the slot machines looked like they were having a good time. They looked like an army of zombies, biding their time until getting the order to rise up and eat brains by feeding the slot beasts.

On the flip side, the gaming tables were actually fun. Sure, there were a few stray zombies playing blackjack or roullette, but for the most part these were people who carried on conversations and looked to be having fun. Maybe that's just because the card games require thought, and attention, and strategy, whereas playing the slots are like grinding on a video game - same thing over and over and over for hours at a time hoping for a new result.

I typed that, and remembered an old quote that Google tells me is attributable to Ben Franklin: "The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results." Hmmm...

And on a slightly unrelated superficial side note - I was very disappointed that none of the slot machines I saw took coins... they were all computerized screens with dollar bill validators. I had a nickel, and wanted to feed it to a beast and pull the arm, but even the nickel slots took a minimum of a $5 bill, and gave you 100 plays for the privilidge. Screw that, I want to spend a nickel. grrr.

And finally, thanks again to the drivers and toll-payers... I will pay you all back for that.



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