31 October 2006

A Halloween Dichotomy

The act of writing here helps me remember little odds'n'ends to talk about later... the problem is, i talk to everyone who reads this on a daily basis. This leads to me seeming like a super-perv when I start telling someone about how much i enjoyed Marie Antionette and they're all "yeah, i already read about that." ah well... i'll have to carry on, stiff upper lip and all that. but tell your friends. i want 5 hits tomorrow. c'mon people! you can do it! tell just one person, and i'll double my hits. :)

ooohh... and I think I might start trying Mobile Blogging - let me text message random thoughts straight from my phone to your brain. good for me, maybe not quite so good for you.

Random thought the first: I really hate kerry. I never liked him as anything more than a literate policy-wonk alternative to Bush, the boy who thinks he's God's chosen one, and now the bastard is going to lose us another election. I know what he meant to say, but dammit, it's not what you said and you need to apologize.. three minutes of you explaining yourself does not make for a soundbite... 10 seconds of "i'm sorry, that's not what i mean" does.

not sure what i'm going to wear this weekend... i haven't put on a costume since i was 13, and i'm not sure how to start now.

finally, although I still can't remember the exact line (although it was something about why republicans are wrong), here's a link to the previously-mentioned Lewis Black special. I'm not embedding it, because it's an hour long video and would send your internet connection crazy for no good reason, but one click and you have loads of entertainment courtesy of Google Video.

Lewis Black: Red, White, and Screwed


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