19 July 2007

Two more days

Sweet. Only two more days until the new Harry Potter book comes out. For better or worse, it will all be over.

HP is one of 4 very long series I've been reading for awhile, and it seems like they are all finally closing out. The first was Robert Jordan's Wheel of Time series. I started that when I was in 7th grade. When I was 13 years old, I picked up the first book because it looked like fun. At that point, the series was up to 6 books with no end in site. Now, 14 years later, it looks like the 11th and final book will hopefully be out by 2009, pending the author's health. The newest addition, George Martin's A Song of Ice and Fire, is up to three books right now with the author swearing he'll be done in 6, or maybe 7. The last one was Stephen King's Dark Tower, and that was a disappointment. The ending was awful, and really opened my eyes up to what I can expect with the others.

Like a crack addict, though, I can't stay away. I need to know what happens, what the Creator says will happen to these people I've known half my life. My hope, in the immediate future with Harry Potter and in a more ethereal distant future with the others, is that when I get to the end of this long-winded series with its cast of thousands and intricate mythology, is that no matter how she finishes it I'll be able to look back and say "There's no other way she could have ended it." As long as it makes sense, and doesn't abandon everything she's set up, it will restore the faith that was so shattered by The Dark Tower.


16 July 2007

First Law of Drinking

I had a brainstorm this weekend about drinking. I'm sure i'm not the first to think of this, but i did think of it on my own and that makes me happy.

Here it is:
First Law of Drinking: Learn to enjoy the taste of alcohol.

I get hung over when i drink beer, or when I drink sweet or fruity mixed drinks, or when I drink wine.

I don't get hung over when I drink hard liquor mixed with (preferably) water or otherwise just sugar-free drinks like my much-loved diet coke.

It's the sugar and other impurities that lead to hang overs. A straight whiskey or vodka or non-spiced rum, i think just about anything in the 80-proof range, and keep it away from sugar, and you'll be set.

Thus endeth the lesson.


02 July 2007

Harry Potter Spoiler Alert

For those of you have not yet read Half-Blood Prince, for whatever inexplicable reason, stop reading now.

Now, for the rest of you: Dumbledore is Dead. I just want to put my prediction out there, indelibly, ahead of whatever is to come. Dumbledore is dead, and Snape is still good.

That is all.
