12 January 2008

crying (now with pictures)

I remember reading something recently about the evolutionary history of crying babies. Apparently, millions of years of evolution have produced babies capable of making noises that cannot be ignored by adults. In most people, the crying induces a nurturing response, a desire to stop the crying by meeting the un-met need of the child. This is important for what i'm about to say - the reason for crying, after millions of years of evolution, is to induce adults to meet the needs of the baby so that the crying will stop.

I'm thinking of this right now because, in the next room, the roommate is watching... something... that's involved babies (or toddlers) crying for what seems like most of the show. Sure enough, the noise is living up to its biological purpose: it's inducing me, the adult hearing the cry, to want to do something to stop the crying. Since the child isn't here for me to nurture, it's inducing me to want to throw my TV out the window. awful, awful television. grr.

on a completely unrelated note, new pictures are now available at http://picasaweb.google.com/irateferret. Enjoy!


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