15 March 2007

Beware the ides of March!

A quick look back reminded me that I've already raved about Black Snake Moan, so I won't belabor the point beyond saying, again, that everyone needs to see this.
I've also already mentioned Demented, so I'll leave that alone too.
Which still leaves quite the extensive list. I'll start easy - Charmed, Season 5. I do not care for this show. Everytime a new disc shows up in my queue, i feel unnaturally compelled to watch it, if only because i've already put so much time into getting to this point. They occasionally have interesting stories, but it's all over-wrought, over-acted, over-analyzed chick crap. Rose McGowan's cute and all, but that only takes you so far. Fortunately, I can see the light at the end of the tunnel. I just finished disc 1 of season 6 last night, so i'm only 15 hours from the end. Hooray! (update - immediately after writing the preceding, I double checked on imdb. This show made it through 8 freaking seasons. That's 17 more 3 hour discs I have to get through before I can put this disturbing saga behind me. Grrr!)
But while on the subject, I also caught Embrace of a Vampire. It's little-more than an excuse to mix vampires with Alyssa Milano, in a very Cinemax-at-2-in-the-morning sort of movie. I wasn't expecting anything from it, and i got exactly that.

The Prestige is one that may have gotten itself overlooked last year. It came out right after the Illusionist, another good flick with Ed Norton and Jessica Biel, and on paper looked very similar - the story of a late 19th century magician. The Prestige, starring both Wolverine and Batman, was great stuff too. It's not often that I'm completely surprised by an ending that's put in front of you from the beginning, but like the magicians it was about, it did an excellent job of dangling the answer right in front of you - shouting it at you, sometimes - while deftly getting you to look the other way.

Arlington Road is a little bit older - I knew going in that it was a homegrown terrorist movie predating 9/11, and i just confirmed the date, 1999. It's informed by the likes of tim mcveigh and the unabomber, instead of the islamic radicals we've gotten so used to. It will change the way you view the world. Well, it will unless you're already a paranoid conspiracy freak. All I wish is that I had known going in that it wasn't going to adhere to conventional story-telling. I'm glad i didn't know what was going to happen, I just wish i had known how completely unexpectedly it all ends.

coming soon!
School for Scoundrels, Arlington Road, the Prestige, Secret Things, Flushed Away, and Stranger than Fiction.

(edit - 3/20/07 - I actually wrote this on March 15. I'm not sure why i didn't post it then, but enjoy. or something.)



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