07 November 2006

People must hang!

It would defeat the purpose to say things like this should be illegal, so i'll go one better - those responsible should be tarred, feathered, and kicked out of the country. Maybe we can send them to our newly created paradise in Iraq.

Some points:
1) Everyone wants to get the warm fuzzies by giving Rx coverage to seniors.
2) Anyone who casts a vote against a law to give rx coverage to seniors will get that thrown back at them when they run for re-election.
3) This means that any law that gets to the floor of the house and senate to give rx coverage to seniors, no matter how heinous, was guaranteed to pass.
4) So why not include a provision making it illegal for the government, which is suddenly the largest buyer of drugs in the world, to negotiate lower prices? This makes your pharmaceutical company buddies happy, and you can use the votes your opponents cast against it in a principled stand against them in their next elections. It's Win-Win for everyone. Except, of course, the american people, the budget, seniors, taxpayers, our health care system, etc.

more to come.



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