25 January 2008

Who was the Boss?


23 January 2008

fuck her gently?

on the one hand, i need to not rely on other websites to create my content. on the other hand, they want to produce top quality content under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 2.5 License, i'll be happy to say "hey, i love what this says" and provide a link to the original source.

Screwing with peoples' heads is great. Granted, it's a sign of extreme social anxiety and inability to, you know, cope, but still... i like the thought.

12 January 2008

crying (now with pictures)

I remember reading something recently about the evolutionary history of crying babies. Apparently, millions of years of evolution have produced babies capable of making noises that cannot be ignored by adults. In most people, the crying induces a nurturing response, a desire to stop the crying by meeting the un-met need of the child. This is important for what i'm about to say - the reason for crying, after millions of years of evolution, is to induce adults to meet the needs of the baby so that the crying will stop.

I'm thinking of this right now because, in the next room, the roommate is watching... something... that's involved babies (or toddlers) crying for what seems like most of the show. Sure enough, the noise is living up to its biological purpose: it's inducing me, the adult hearing the cry, to want to do something to stop the crying. Since the child isn't here for me to nurture, it's inducing me to want to throw my TV out the window. awful, awful television. grr.

on a completely unrelated note, new pictures are now available at http://picasaweb.google.com/irateferret. Enjoy!

11 January 2008

who knew blogging was so dangerous

Courtesy of xkcd.com.

10 January 2008


So i wake up this morning, and literally as soon as i roll out of bed i'm checking my e-mail. As happens every sunday and thursday morning, i have an e-mail from powerball. all i can see before click the link is "info - powerball - 2 - 13" and my heart skips three beats.

see, when i play powerball, when the jackpot gets over 100 million (making the cash payout, the only sensible option, $40 million+, I play the same 6 numbers: 2 3 13 21 42 7

only getting 5 of those numbers can be worth 100 thousand dollars. that's enough to roll around naked in singles.

so just seeing those 2 numbers, i had a moment of "oh shit oh shit oh shit" because i didn't play this week. This week, this thursday, if the e-mail said "2 13 21 42 7" i'd have to slit my wrists, because that would mean that not playing my numbers this week cost me 100 thousand dollars. I'm not sure i can live with that. i think i'm now permanently indebted to playing my numbers twice a week, every week, because now i know that heart stopping moment when i get the e-mail and think "shit. i knew i have should've given that bitch at Karn's my dollar this time."

08 January 2008


That's a custom clip i created at Hulu. I know, it's kind of lame -- just the opening titles to the A-Team, but i did it all by myself. I love that site. Go to hulu.com and enter you're e-mail address in the box asking for an invite. It took me about a week, but i got one and now I get to watch all sorts of fun time killing stuff. It's especially nice with the lack of other stuff out there at the moment.

apologies for the lameness of this little post, but it's late and i'm tired.

05 January 2008

Happy Belated New Years!

So i'm not quite a week late, but there it is... happy new years. it was an exciting night, going to see the strawberry drop, but now it's past and i don't know that i'll do it again. in the meantime, i'm looking forward to a busy year with lots to do... Vegas in August! It's only 8 months away, but i'm still taking reservations.

Went to see Juno last night, and i think i have a new favorite movie/actor/actress. I was already thoroughly impressed by Michael Cera in Arrested Development and Superbad, and this really cinches him as the star of the bumbling high school kid. i hope he grows into a good bumbling adult character, because i think his one character is starting to wear thin in and of itself, but as long as he has the right material i think he's great.

I've been hooked on ellen page since X-Men introduced her and Hard Candy cemented her as a kid to watch.

The movie itself is great... it might lend itself a little too much to Napoleon Dynamite quoting, but i think it that happens i'll be ok with it because it's a much smarter movie that ND was. Teen Pregnancy doesn't normally lend itself to comedy, but this movie had me laughing more than anything I've seen in the past 5 years that didn't involve Judd Apatow (freaks&geeks, undeclared, 40 year old virgin, knocked up, superbad, walk hard), and managed to do it while staying completely sweet and lovable. (oddly enough, apatow movies are the same way... they don't degenerate into meanness or boredom the way comedies often do, when they run out of jokes and decide to wrap up the plot as quickly as possible.)

now i think i need to go to sleep and face the sunday before going back to work. grr.