19 September 2007

Great to go, great to be back

As most of you probably know, I just returned yesterday from 11 days in the UK. It was very close to the same trip I made last year, but there were some changes. This time around, we (the 'we' in this case is actually my parents and me; after my trip last year they invited me to play tour guide, which I was more than happy to do) actually flew into a town called Inverness, the capital of the Highlands in northern Scotland. We spent a few days there, including a day trip out to the Isle of Skye, one of several islands along the Atlantic coast of Scotland. I have to say, that was one of the most beautiful places I've ever been. Given my fairly limited world travels, I have to put it up there in a tie with New Mexico, but they're very different places.
Aside from that, we did Edinburgh, and then down to London. I did get to Westminster Abbey (where Chaucer is buried) and St Paul's Cathedral (where the Duke of Wellington is buried) and both were very impressive, and got to a couple shows. We saw Mousetrap, and a comedy called Boeing Boeing; both were excellent, and i'll be happy to tell anyone who cares more about them.

So that's pretty much it; got back yesterday, had today off work to re-adjust to the time zone, and tomorrow it's back to the grind without a day off until New Years (excepting weekends, of course).

In happier news, come Jan 1 I'll have my extra week of vacation. The way the dollar is shaping up, I might head to South America or Asia next year and have some more fun.




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