15 August 2007

On the problem with 'Get Out Now' rhetoric

Something that I heard mentioned a few years ago, but haven’t heard recently, was the problem of the long cultural memories of Arabs.  I mean, these are people still fighting battles that started more than a thousand years ago, so they have no problem remembering what we did to them back in the early 90’s.  We were all set to topple Saddam then, CIA style, when daddy Bush bowed to international pressure and pulled out.  Suddenly, people who were all set to go with US backing were exposed, and saddam had no problem figuring out and massacring everyone related to them. 


This is my biggest complaint with the people in congress talking about getting out now, and the reason why I have trouble really faulting the president for talking about future presidents having to deal with it.  We all know we won’t be there forever, it just isn’t sustainable, but the first step to getting them on our side is convincing them we won’t go half-way and then bail.  If the locals know we’re staying until the job is done and there’s political stability and a government in place that’s capable of maintaining security and stability, they’ll be quicker to help however they can.  But if they think that 6 months from now, regardless of whatever else is happening, we’re going to take our ball and go home, they won’t put their neck out because they know that as soon as we’re gone, al qaeda and such will fill the void, and step one will be rounding up everyone who helped the infidels for a quick execution.


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