29 December 2006

I'm never working again!

At least, not until next year. Ok, so that why i love this particular time of year so much. Just think of all the possibilities for lame jokes about "see you next year" etc. Notice, i didn't say 'funny' jokes, just lame ones.

Anyway, engadget has a great story on the danger TiVo poses for television. I bring it up mainly because it reinforces my very misguided notion that I live somewhere outside the main stream. I see the list of top 10 shows of 2006, and realized that I only watch one of them, House, and it's near the bottom of the list.

Then i look at the list of top 10 tivo'd shows - what the tech savvy tivo geeks are watching - and realize i have season passes for five of those shows. I'm not nearly as cutting edge as i like to pretend i am.

I guess i can take some small consolation in knowing that i'm not in the MAIN mainstream, just the slightly geeky part of it. I think i'm ok with that.


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