18 December 2006

Self realization

I realized something about myself today. I don't know if this means anything, or if it possibly explains everything there is to explain about me, but here it is.

I don't count to five.

I mean, clearly, i can count to five and beyond. What i mean is, when five of something are put in front of me, I don't say "oh look, five things." I look at them and see three things and two things, in two distinct groups, and then my brain puts 3 and 2 together and voile! I have five. this isn't just with five, either - four things are 2 and 2, 6 things are 3 and 3, 7 things are (and this is where it starts getting weird) four and three. not two, two, and three, but four and three. and it's like that all the way up to about 15, when i stop being able to see the groups and have to actually count them.

strange, huh?


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