23 September 2006

wonder of wonders

Ok, so I've always thought "why should i get a blog? I have enough trouble coming up with stuff to say in real life, so how am i going to come up with any regular posts?" But now that I have one, and i've figured out how to use blogger, every little thing makes me thing "ooh, i should post that."

Case in point: the roommate and I just got a cat last week. The cat's name is Vader, and she actually has a history with Marie. Back when Marie was in college, her roommate brought this cat home one day and everyone fell in love with her. When they all moved out and went their seperate ways, Tanya took Vader with her. Fastforward a couple years to now, and due to some life changes Tanya wasn't able to keep her any more and asked Marie if she was up to it. Now, we have a cat and I'm very happy about this. I'm still afraid she'll pee in strange places, but there's no sign of that yet so it looks to be all good.

But i noticed within the past couple days that she's acting funny - spending a lot of time just standing in her litter box, rubbing her butt on things, and spending what for a cat is an inordinate amount of time licking her asshole. I mean she's really going at it for minutes at a time. So I call my buddy Andy, who has 13 cats, and explain the symptons to him. He thinks she might be constipated, and recomends feeding her canned pumpkin, which is a natural laxative. Strangely enough, I just happen to have a can of pumpkin in the cabinet leftover from a baking binge last christmas. So I pop this open, spoon some onto a plate, and she goes crazy for it. So now it's a wait-and-see game to see if she starts pooping more.

Sidenote - we feel like we have a new baby for all the time we've spent talking about our new cat's poop in the past week.


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